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Our Brand Story:

How did we start Eysy Digital?

This is our "Once Upon A Time" story

A casual conversation with the guardian of Angus and Bruce, over the internet and half-way across the globe.

The journey started here

The digital journey started halfway across the globe, from a casual conversation between Eunice and Derek. Derek was Eunice's ex-colleague and the guardian of two awesomely cute dogs, Angus and Bruce.


Eunice and Derek were chatting about the dogs, Europe, dreams and life goals.

The first conversation

The conversation went something like this:


  • Eunice: “I want to get back into digital consultancy services again!”

  • Derek: “I have a perfect name for you Eunice;, it sounds close to your initials, and it sounds like EASY. Do you like it?”

  • Eunice: “(after a long pause) oooo... wow, I think the excitement to start is slowly rising after I let the name sink in..”

  • Derek: “That’s really cool! I can purchase the domain for you, since you got me that Singaporean coffee. :)”

A dream forgotten

However after purchasing the domain and writing up a few plans, the idea was placed on hold as Eunice decided to go for an epic trip round the world across multiple continents.


Eysy Digital started to resurface after a strange encounter...

A strange but timely encounter with an uptight marketer and a helpful IT expert.


Company registered.

Ranked second for the proposal.

Eysy Digital continues.

A fresh motivation to mesmerize.

The repeated process of jumping into meetings, understanding each business’ unique challenges, forming up marketing strategies that can turn the business around, and gaining the trust to building a long term partnership from someone I just met 12.53 mins ago is what keeps me going.


This is what I am called to do. 


– Eunice


madness, passion and knowledge combined.

What makes #TeamEysyDigital 

We are a group of passionate individuals with a vision to provide effective end-to-end digital solutions for Singapore’s SMEs – from website design and development, website audit, website hosting, content strategy, social media campaign management, to digital marketing.


Our wide experience brings the best solution for each project at a competitive price.


At Eysy Digital – we make digital easy for everyone.

© Eysy Digital 2020
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